Course Materials
Unbreakable Faith: How God’s Perfections Give Life, Joy, and Thriving Assurance in a World of Unbelief
Unbreakable Faith: How God’s Perfections Give Life, Joy, and Thriving Assurance in a World of Unbelief
Part 5 - Work to Complete
Video 13: God Is Infinitely Powerful (Parts 1-4)God the Reason, Chapters 14-15
Quiz 5 will cover all lectures and assigned reading.
This quiz is to be taken after completing all the video material and reading assignments for Part 5 of the Unbreakable Faith course. You have 25 minutes to attempt this quiz. This quiz may only be taken once.
Once the quiz has been graded, answers and feedback can be reviewed.
Office hours for Professor Craig Biehl
To Be Announced